
Selected features of willow Salix spp. biomass affecting plantation productivity
Wybrane cechy biomasy wierzbowej Salix spp. wpływające na produktywność plantacji
Sylwan 168 (11):822-834, 2024
Available online: 2024-12-14
Open Access (CC-BY)
renewable energy sources • willow biomass • willow clones

Growing concerns about climate change, geopolitical uncertainty regarding the continuity of energy supplies, and the rising cost of fossil fuels have created the need to search for clean and renewable substitutes for conventional fuels. Biomass as a renewable energy source is of great interest due to it being an important option of the sustainable energy economy in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Perennial lignocellulosic plants such as willows (Salix spp.) are considered attractive alternatives as their production requires less energy and has less negative environmental impact than the production of annual plants. Considering the potential opportunities to utilise renewable energy sources, especially biomass, we decided to investigate the productivity of three varieties of willow Salix viminalis grown in short rotations on agricultural land. Willow cultivation was established in the Vistula Valley on the Fluvisols and locally organic soils of the Sapric Histosols type. Three willow varieties Salix viminalis named TURBO, TUR and EKOTUR were used in this study. The highest average number of shoots was observed in the TURBO variety in the case of an annual harvesting cycle (4.2 pcs.). The largest average diameter of shoots at a height of 10 cm from the cutting level was observed in the EKOTUR variety (21.5 mm) and the smallest in the TURBO variety (14.4 mm). The thickest shoots were found in plants with a 3−year harvesting cycle. The highest cultivation success was recorded in the case of the TURBO variety in the 3−year shoot harvesting cycle (1.25% losses). The highest average yield was recorded for the TUR variety (38.57 tons ha/year). Continuing research to evaluate the productivity of willow biomass and other plant species used as renewable energy sources is necessary due to the extensive but still insufficient level of knowledge in this area.

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