Needs of selected social groups related to forests in the Upper Silesian Conurbation
Potrzeby wybranych grup społecznych w odniesieniu do lasów na terenie Konurbacji Górnośląskiej
Sylwan 168 (10):703-716, 2024
DOI: online: 2024-11-17
Open Access (CC-BY)
forest functions • public forest • public opinion • social expectation • survey
In Poland society is increasingly interested in nature, forests and willingly and actively engaged in the activities of the State Forests through public consultations in the preparation of forest management plans. The Upper Silesian Conurbation is one of the most populated areas in Poland, and one of most affected by human management. The aim of the paper is to determine the expectations of the society of the Upper Silesian Conurbation towards public forests. The online questionnaire was sent to schools (primary, high and Silesian University of Technology), local administrative authorities, and paper questionnaires were distributed to companies and all above mentioned school where it was available to parents picking up children from school. Questionnaires were filled in by 511 respondents (336 online questionnaires and 175 paper versions). The vast majority of respondents declared visiting the forests of the Upper Silesian Conurbation on days off−work in spring and summer. For all four seasons, men visit forests significantly more often. Those who assess their financial situation as worse visited the Upper Silesian Conurbation’s forests more often. Respondents assessed the forests of the Upper Silesian Conurbation as good or very good. They expect the protection of natural forest resources (47.4%) and the maintenance of the forest’s landscape values (29.9%). Visitors looked for peace and quiet in forests, cleanliness is the factor leading to the best forest experience. Respondents expect waste bins (60.7%), different types of seating, benches, tables (48.7%) and information boards (48.9%) in forests. Respondents from the Upper Silesian Conurbation view the forest as a place to relax and find peace and quiet. The forest’s productive functions are not indicated as the most important to respondents but only a few people responded that they would feel most comfortable in forests where no timber is harvested. Survey participants view public forests more as wild city park than a forest per se because they expect to find there many of the tourist amenities characteristic of areas managed by man.
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