
Ecological factors affecting geophytic flora development in the Yenice Forests Citdere and Kavakli Nature Reserve areas in Turkey
Wpływ wybranych czynników ekologicznych na rozwój geofitów lasów Yenice w rezerwatach Citdere i Kavakli w Turcji
Sylwan 168 (8):549-560, 2024
Available online: 2024-09-18
Open Access (CC-BY)
geophyte • hysterantous type • life form • solar radiation time

In this study, a total of 23 geophyte plant species from 8 families were collected and identified in the Karabük – Yenice Forests as well as Kavakli and Citdere Nature Reserve areas between 2014−2016. The floral region of 56.5% of the plant species was not defined, 39.3% were from the European−Siberian region and 4.34% were from the Mediterranean floral region which had the lowest rate among them. The slope, soil moisture, temperature and solar radiation amount in the areas where geophyte species settled were measured. It was observed that the temperature decreased and the amount of solar radiation increased in the Yenice Forest until the end of the spring season. Examining life forms in natural old growth forest types can reveal aspects to ecosystem management connections. This suggests that geophytes’ preference for different forests is also related to changes in the angle of light incidence. While the increase in slope, especially in Quercus−Fagus and pure Fagus forest areas, negatively affects the species, in Fagus-Abies mixed areas geophytes show that they are strong in competition in more sloping areas. Identification of the demands of the geophyte species found in these areas is helpful in understanding and developing solutions for the ecological problems faced in natural forest lands. Depending on whether the forests are deciduous or evergreen, it allows for the appropriate timing for certain strategies such as flowering, seed formation or nutrient storage of geophyte flora, resulting in the ‘cycle timing’ of shrubs. The maximum effects on the settlement of geophytes on the forest floor are provided by slope, soil moisture and aspect, respectively. Northern slopes differ from southern slopes as a result of the change in radiation intensity. For this reason, the vegetative period depends on factors such as temperature, soil moisture and soil accumulation. This also causes changes in soil moisture, microbial activity and nitrogen mineralization. Slope, soil moisture and aspect were found to be the most significant factors by CCA analysis. In this context, control of human interventions in forest ecosystems, protection, monitoring, detection of rare and endemic species and various management planning policies should be carried out in a manner that primarily aims to protect species.

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