
Dynamics of the condition of the Polish larch Larix decidua Mill. subsp. polonica (Racib.) Domin on Chełmowa Góra in the Świętokrzyski National Park in 2010−2020
Dynamika kondycji modrzewia polskiego Larix decidua Mill. subsp. polonica (Racib.) Domin na Chełmowej Górze w Świętokrzyskim Parku Narodowym w latach 2010−2020
Sylwan 168 (7):519-532, 2024
Available online: 2024-08-11
Open Access (CC-BY)
defoliation • forest monitoring • permanent sample trees • temporary sample trees • vitality

The reserve on Chełmowa Góra in the Świętokrzyski National Park is the oldest in Poland where the Polish larch, Larix decidua subsp. polonica, is protected. In order to preserve forest stands that include the Polish larch, it is necessary to implement detailed and time−efficient monitoring of its condition. The objective of the study was to assess the dynamics of health (defoliation) and vitality of the Polish larch from 2010 to 2020 and to compare the results of these analyses obtained using both permanent sample trees (PST) and temporary sample trees (TST). The PST and TST larch trees were selected at random using a simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) scheme for middle− and old−generation larches aged approximately from 70 to 150 years and older than 150 years, respectively, and according to a two−stage sampling scheme (with SRSWOR at both stages) (2SS: I−SRSWOR, II−SRSWOR) for the young−generation larches aged approximately from 20 to 30 years. The study noted a general improvement in health and vitality of the larch populations over the study period. In the years 2010−2015, the condition of larches was lower than in the years 2018−2020, which may be linked to environmental changes or conservation efforts. The estimation errors for the proportions of larches in the distinguished degrees of damage and vitality classes for middle− and old−generation ranged from 2.45% to 5.54% for PST and from 3.33% to 9.20% for TST, while for young−generation, they ranged from 2.58% to 7.12% for PST and from 3.20% to 7.58% for TST. The comparison between PST and TST revealed slightly lower error estimates for PST, suggesting its advantages in long−term ecological monitoring. However, the results showed no statistically significant differences between the two methodologies, demonstrating their effectiveness in assessing forest conditions in dynamic environments. These findings highlight the importance of continuous, adaptable monitoring strategies in forest management and conservation, especially under the impact of climate change and other ecological factors.

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