
Eco-enzymatic and microbial stoichiometry of forest and agricultural soil use from a temperate climate: A case study from Southern Poland
Ekoenzymatyczna i mikrobiologiczna stechiometria użytkowania gleb leśnych i rolniczych z klimatu umiarkowanego: studium przypadku z południowej Polski
Sylwan 168 (7):491-502, 2024
Available online: 2024-08-11
Open Access (CC-BY)
agriculture soils • Arenosols • Cambisols • eco−enzyme activity • forest soils • land use • microbial biomass

Intensification and fertilization of agricultural soils reduce the number and diversity of soil microorganisms responsible for the cycling of organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P). The aim of this research was to determine the C:N:P stoichiometry of forest and agriculture land use types on soil properties. In this study, the relationship between enzyme stoichiometry, microbial biomass stoichiometry and potential regulators was explored. The study was conducted in the Rybnik Forest District of southern Poland (50°05'55"N, 18°32'42"E). The research covered soils in forestry, ecotone and agricultural areas. Transect and soil samples were collected in forest and agricultural areas and on the border between forest and agricultural areas. Six transects of 200 m length running through a forest use area, an ecotone and an agricultural use area were established. Soil samples were collected every 50 m where the midpoint of each transect was located at the edge of the ecotone. The content of C, N and P, eco−enzymatic activity and microbial biomass of C, N and P were determined in soil samples. The research confirmed the possibility of using stoichiometry to assess the impact of land use on soils. Molar stoichiometry and eco−enzymatic stoichiometry significantly distinguished forest soils from agricultural soils. The stoichiometry of microbial biomass turned out to be less sensitive in the assessment of changes in soils caused by the type of land use. The amount and quality of the supplied organic matter influenced the stoichiometry of the studied soils. The stoichiometry of the studied soils confirmed the higher availability of nutrients in forest soils.

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