
Selection of more butt and root rot resistant trees for sustainability of future pine forests – a case study in Ukraine
Wybór bardziej odpornych drzew doborowych dla trwałości przyszłych lasów sosnowych – studium przypadku z Ukrainy
Sylwan 168 (6):434-457, 2024
Available online: 2024-07-21
Open Access (CC-BY)
clonal seed orchard • integrated assessment • progeny • ‘resistant’ trees • root and butt rot • Scots pine

A selection of mother trees for seed stock is based on measurement parameters and visual characteristics without taking into account the susceptibility of the trees to root and butt rot disease. In areas formerly used for agriculture, the first generation of a pine stand can fail due to root pathogens of the genus Heterobasidion. The problem of root and butt rot remains one of the most important silvicultural problems in all European countries including Poland and Ukraine. One solution is to use tree progeny with increased disease resistance (survivability) in reforestation to create more sustainable forests for future generations. In continuation of a study on 20−year−old progenies of clonal seed orchards (CSO) and their controls from three regions of Ukraine (Eastern, Central and Western Ukraine), a comprehensive evaluation of CSO progenies was conducted and promising variants for cultivation in the local conditions of the Ukrainian left−bank forest−steppe were identified. For a comprehensive evaluation, a traditional assessment scale was used supplemented by a proposed proprietary scale based on previous phytopathological studies. The new population assessment method took into account not only growth intensity and condition indicators (diameter, height, quality and condition), but also factors of resistance to root pathogens (needles, xylem, latewood, resin).

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