Effect of precise control of irrigation and substrate compaction on seedling growth and root distribution in Norway spruce
Wpływ precyzyjnej kontroli nawadniania i zagęszczenia podłoża na wzrost sadzonek i rozmieszczenie korzeni u świerka pospolitego
Sylwan 167 (12):838-853, 2023
https://doi.org/10.26202/sylwan.2023085Available online: 2024-02-23
Open Access (CC-BY)
Dickson quality index • dry mass • Hiko container • Picea abies • sturdiness quotient
We analyzed the growth of 1−year−old Norway spruce seedlings in a container nursery with three experimental variants differing in substrate compaction and water supply during irrigation (moisture level control). The nursery material was produced in Hiko V−120SS containers. Each seedling’s height and root collar diameter (RCD) were measured. In addition, the dry mass of the shoots and needles was also determined. The lump of substrate was divided into three equal parts, and the dry mass of the root system was determined separately for three levels of cavity depth (upper, middle and lower). Seedlings grown in the variant with compacted substrate and precise control of substrate moisture level had the maximum height and RCD value. However, the average sturdiness quotient (SQ) of the seedlings in all variants was very high, explaining their low resistance to abiotic factors after planting. Similarly, the ratio of the above−ground part’s dry mass to the root system’s weight (S/R index) was very high, indicating the limited suitability of the seedlings for cultivation in all soil moisture conditions. Controlled irrigation for precise control of moisture level had no significant effect on the growth of seedlings. Similarly, the SQ and Dickson quality index values did not differ significantly. It is, therefore, possible to reduce the cost of seedling cultivation using a soil moisture control system that reduces the amount of water supplied to the production field without any adverse effects on the quality of the seedlings. The dry mass distribution in the root system was almost identical in all experimental variants. Most of the roots were found in the upper part of the root lump, i.e., to a depth of about 3.7 cm. On average, 60% of the total mass of the entire root system was located in this zone; hence, the container used to grow the spruce seedlings did not limit the growth of the root system.
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